For The Sake Of The Gospel

21 02 2009

I have three thoughts to share tonight!  First I want to continue where I left off on the friendship notes:

Should we have friendships with unbelievers?  YES!  Paul belabors the point in 1 Cor. 9:19-23.  He states that he will become all things to all people and then he gives a very specific reason why.  In other words these relationships have one goal and one goal only…. to WIN them.   It is only for the sake of the gospel that we befriend unbelievers.  Our relationships with them HAVE to be that focused.  Really when we think about it, what kind of friend would we be if we withheld the most important information in the world?  There is no better news, nothing better to give them.  Granted it could take time before they will listen to us so while relationship-building is necessary (having coffee, dinner at your house, phone calls, help, listening ears etc), it must always be with the ultimate goal of sharing Christ.

However, in relationship-building with unbelievers, we must be guarded.  (2 Cor. 6:14-15) We cannot be “yoked” with an unbeliever in the bond of a close friendship.  A close friendship is one in which you are influenced and advised by your friend and indeed are traveling in the same direction.  The direction of life and the centering of life for a believer are radically different than an unbelievers.  We open our lives up to “competing voices” when we travel side by side with an unbeliever.  Competing voices are voices that are compelling and attractive but that give us direction contrary to fear-of-the-Lord living.   (In other words, an unbeliever would not offer godly counsel to you when you have trouble in marriage, or with your children, or in things like finances, life-goals, sin, etc.)

So now that we have established what God has to say about His purpose for relationships, let’s look at some of the benefits we reap from His plan.  (That’s for tomorrow!)

My second thought tonight is to say to all the ladies out there that came for accountability group last night that it was truly refreshing!  I am excited to say that I met my goal for today!  Thank you for your willingness to meet for encouragement!

And thirdly, I spent most of this day reading Pilgrim’s Progress with my daugher, Karis.  (She was behind in her literature class and we decided to make this the catch up day!)  It was so good for me.  Truly John Bunyan has shown the intensity with which we must “run this race” in this allegory.  I am adding it to the book list!



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