Week One Reading Summary and Week 2 Assignment

1 03 2010

What is systematic theology? A study that answers the question, “What does the Bible teach us today about any given topic?” The emphasis in this type of study will be on what God wants us to believe and know about particular doctrines as they are taught in the Bible at large, including both Old and New Testaments. The purpose of this type of study will be to strengthen the believer and make the Christian life richer.

The study will be systematic in that it has been carefully organized by Mr. Grudem to prevent imbalanced emphasis and wrong conclusions. Summaries of biblical teachings will be made that will use precise language to prevent misunderstands and false teachings.

It is important that as you study you remained committed to the authority of the Scripture and open to correcting any false ideas that you have embraced as a result of culture or false teaching. However, it must be the Scripture that convinces you that you are incorrect, not the writer of the text or the writer of any text for that matter.

A doctrine is what the Bible teaches us today about some particular topic. We will be studying major and minor doctrines.

Summary of pages 17 – 21 in Bible Doctrine by Wayne Grudem

Week Two Assignment: P. 21 beginning at section B – p. 26 stop at top of page just before subtopic 5.

Memory Verses: Matthew 28: 18-20

Meeting with Sisters

23 01 2010

Last night I spent about 2 hours with sisters in Christ sharing life, sharing goals, being encouraged, and just enjoying them. I count myself as blessed, very blessed to have these women in my life. I need them. Their love and presence in my life reminds me that I need them every time we meet.

I need them to gently press me and encourage me to do the things that I know will put me in the path of God’s grace. They help me to think about my life in light of eternity rather than just for the moment. (Sometimes “the moment” can wrongly inform my view of what’s important.) They help me to plan do the things that I know are pleasing to God and good for my soul. They make me laugh, cry, and enjoy God’s goodness.

Thank-you Norco ladies.

And for those of you who have not yet joined our accountability meetings, plan to join us next time, which is February 4. I don’t think you will regret it!


4 09 2009

On September 3, my friends to whom I am accountable for spiritual disciplines, (and who were the inspiration for this blog) met again. As always the meeting was filled with laughter, a few tears, joy, serious conversations, contemplation about God’s work in our lives, goal-setting, and most of all encouragement.  I am amazed at how much these women press me to live what I profess to believe.  It’s not a “checklist” mentality but a “putting yourself in the path of His commands” mentality in order to live for Him.  And it’s not easy. 

It’s not easy for a couple of reasons.  I don’t like to set a goal and not meet it.  And if I don’t meet my goals, I don’t like to admit it, but if I don’t, then I excuse myself quietly and I don’t repent of unwise choices/attitudes/etc. AND THEN, it’s not easy because the “mechanics” of the goal could be met but not the spirit of the goal…..learning from God’s Word and being changed by Him. 

So accountability is difficult because it requires vulnerability, repentance, and true growth, but the benefits outweigh the difficulty.  I have been reminded of my frailty.  I have been checked on attitudes like self-pity, self-indulgence, discontentment, and “light-headed living.”  (“Light-headed living” is my term for not taking life seriously! 🙂  These things weigh me down and keep me from enjoying what God has richly blessed me with….HIMSELF!! 

So when these precious ladies gather with their smiles, their lives, their pain, their goals, they bless me and they bless each other.  Accountability is beautiful.  Conviction and repentance are the things of life!!!

Spiritual Disciplines Book Downloaded to Computer for Free

3 03 2009

We have used Dr. Don Whitney’s Spiritual Disciplines book in our accountability group. No one was required to purchase the book to attend the meeting, but if you have been considering, please notice that you can get it downloaded to your computer for free.  Go to christianaudio.com and on the right-hand side of your screen, there is an icon for free downloads…hurry the coupon code is only good for March!  It’s a great book to have!

Thank you to Greg Cochran for pointing this out on his blog!